
Manipulating the DOM

Now that you have learned the basics of using Cheerio and have gained some experience with loading and traversing documents, it's time to dive deeper into manipulating elements. Whether you want to modify element attributes and properties, add and remove classes, modify text and HTML content, or insert and remove elements, Cheerio provides a range of methods to help you do so.

In this guide, we will focus specifically on manipulating elements within a document using Cheerio. We will cover methods for modifying element attributes and properties, adding and removing classes, modifying text and HTML content, inserting and removing elements, and handling errors and debugging. By the end of this guide, you will have a good understanding of how to use these methods to manipulate elements within a document using Cheerio.

Modifying Element Attributes and Properties

To modify the attributes and properties of a single element, you can use the attr() and prop() methods, respectively. Both methods take a key and a value as arguments, and allow you to get and set the attribute or property. When setting, they apply to all elements in the selection; when getting, they return a single value corresponding to the first element in the selection.

// Set the 'src' attribute of an image element
$('img').attr('src', 'https://example.com/image.jpg');

// Set the 'checked' property of a checkbox element
$('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true);

// Get the 'href' attribute of a link element
const href = $('a').attr('href');

// Get the 'disabled' property of a button element
const isDisabled = $('button').prop('disabled');

prop() is not limited to simple values like strings and booleans. You can also use it to get complex properties like the style object, or to resolve href or src URLs of supported elements. You can also use it to get the tagName, innerHTML, outerHTML, textContent, and innerText properties of a single element.

// Get the `style` object of an element
const style = $('div').prop('style');

// Get the resolved `src` URL of an image element

// Get the outerHTML of an element
const outerHTML = $('div').prop('outerHTML');

// Get the innerText of an element
const innerText = $('div').prop('innerText');

Adding and Removing Classes

To add or remove classes from an element, you can use the addClass(), removeClass(), and toggleClass() methods. All three methods take a class name or a space-separated list of class names as an argument. They modify all elements in the selection.

// Add a class to an element

// Add multiple classes to an element
$('div').addClass('new-class another-class');

// Remove a class from an element

// Remove multiple classes from an element
$('div').removeClass('old-class another-class');

// Toggle a class on an element (add if it doesn't exist, remove if it does)

Modifying the Text Content of an Element

To query or modify the text content of an element, you can use the text() method. Given a string as an argument, it sets the text content of every element in the selection to the given string. Without arguments, it returns the text content of every element (including its descendants) in the selection, concatenated together.

// Set the text content of an element
$('h1').text('Hello, World!');

// Get the text content of an element
const text = $('p').text();

text() returns the textContent of all passed elements. The result will include the contents of <script> and <style> elements. To avoid this, use .prop('innerText') instead.

Modifying the HTML Content of an Element

To query or modify the HTML content of an element, you can use the html() method. Given an HTML string as an argument, it sets the inner HTML of every element in the selection to the given string. Without arguments, it returns the inner HTML of the first element in the selection.

// Set the inner HTML of an element
$('div').html('<p>Hello, World!</p>');

// Get the inner HTML of an element
const html = $('div').html();

Inserting New Elements

To insert new elements into a document, you can use the append(), prepend(), before(), and after() methods. These modify every element in the selection.

// Append an element to the end of a parent element

// Prepend an element to the beginning of a parent element

// Insert an element before a target element

// Insert an element after a target element

The insertAfter() and insertBefore() methods allow you to insert an element before or after a target element, respectively. Both methods take a string or a Cheerio object as an argument and insert the given element before or after the target element.

const $ = require('cheerio');

// Insert an element after a target element
$('<p>Inserted element</p>').insertAfter('h1');

// Insert an element before a target element
$('<p>Inserted element</p>').insertBefore('h1');

The prependTo() and appendTo() methods allow you to prepend or append an element to a parent element, respectively. Both methods take a string or a Cheerio object as an argument and insert the element at the beginning or end of the given parent element.

const $ = require('cheerio');

// Prepend an element to a parent element
$('<p>Inserted element</p>').prependTo('div');

// Append an element to a parent element
$('<p>Inserted element</p>').appendTo('div');

Wrapping and Unwrapping Elements

Sometimes you may want to wrap an element in another element, or remove the element's parent element while keeping its children. To do this, you can use the wrap(), wrapInner(), and unwrap() methods.

The wrap() method takes a string or a Cheerio object as an argument and wraps the element in the given element.

// Wrap an element in a div

The wrapInner() method works similar to wrap(), but instead of wrapping the element itself, it wraps the element's inner HTML in the given element.

// Wrap the inner HTML of an element in a div

The unwrap() method removes the element's parent element, while keeping the element and its children.

// Unwrap an element

Replacing Elements

To replace an element with another element, you can use the replaceWith() method. It takes a string or a Cheerio object as an argument and replaces each element in the selection with the given element.

// Replace an element with another element

Note that the replaceWith() method removes the element from the document and replaces it with the given element or HTML string. If you want to keep the element and modify its contents, you can use the html() or text() methods instead.

Removing Elements

To remove an element from a document, you can use the remove() method. It removes each element in the selection, and all of their children, from the document.

// Remove an element from the document

Alternatively, you can remove the children of an element from the document, without removing the element itself, using the empty() method. It removes the children (but not text nodes or comments) of each element in the selection from the document.

// Remove an element's children from the document


We learned how to manipulate elements within a document using Cheerio. We can modify element attributes and properties, add and remove classes, modify text and HTML content, insert and remove elements, and handle errors and debug our code. With these tools, you can easily manipulate a document to suit your needs.